Monday, July 29, 2024

My books

 29th of July 2024   Build yourself a paradise, a paradise like way of life, paradise theory and wisdom of life, lots of free advices, rewarding books to read, see which ought to lead to 

Sunday, July 14, 2024

"Of walking in beauty" and other book series of mine

 It suddenly came to my mind that with these new groups, the goal in the title of my paradise theory book "Year 2023, technologized nature paradise" comes closer. 

 "  "  Most of my books ought to be available at . 

I had had many books, 25 +10 related, in the Christmas gnome skills series, i.e. in the series "Find / Create The Land Of Christmas". Now I moved many of the later ones to new series, and left only the Christmas gnomes/ elves subject plus some wanted or understood just in that group.

The new series are:

"Of walking in beauty" (long)

"The hard rationality of feelings" 

"About making presents" 

and there already was a series "Solution tips" (to environmental questions), plus series about healing in both Finnish and English. 

Here in a pile are the books in the series "Of walking in beauty", except the three latest ones. 

 At least to begin with, the series "Of walking in beauty" includes the books (in no special order): 

Of walking in beauty

Weather skills for all climates

Living with the Four Seasons

A sorcerer, books 1. - 3.

My translations of some poems of Eino Leino and Kalevala

Some texts about feelings and wisdom of life

Wonderful, miracle like beings

Magnifient views: and nice to live in

Singing experience of life and healthy natural ages old ways of living


The series "The hard rationality of feelings" includes the books:

Year 2030, technologized nature paradise

Feelings, rationality and moral for computers

9 short robot stories

Curing modern horror scenarios

The best fact language is like music

Thousandfold intelligence and skill, easily!

The series "About making presents" includes the books 

Christmas elf like work

Thoughts about magic

Work and feelings

Understanding the north

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Some view on practical life in the direction of my paradise theory


4th of July 2024   "Some Texts about Feelings and Wisdom Of Life", a new book and ebook soon available at 

As an ebook 2.99 usd +tax at the ebook ought to have unlimited copying allowing once bought.

6th of July 2024   My new blog 

Friday, September 1, 2023

A years later text : The birth of the Gaia like nature of all living beings

 From my long text Skills of Christmas Gnomes, or "The Christmas Gnomes Internet Institute", ought to be in the future in Book 9. of the series.

" g27.   1st of September 2023   Yesterday I watched a little bit of the beginning of some long video which told about the prehistoric times when all the present day continents were still together, forming one big continent called Pangaea. I was left pondering about the name Pangaea, was it a question of how a Gaia, a symbiosis of all living beibgs, of the whole world was possible, how was our original nature born, if it today seems to be in the nature of living being, all or many fractureless having the pitential to such when fine-tuned, great deeds possible just in that directiln as if things had been that way when the species developed. First I was left pondering of prehistoric kind of lufe of dinosaurs and luzard birds in a landscape of reddish orange dry land which had been pressed hard by big feet like some eleohants and rhinos egc niwadays. But it did not bring the answer because it looked too clumsy kind of life. I guess a Gaia like understanding and via it a Gaia is born where the climate and animal lufe are more benefical to plants but where one can see the landscape, so that if an animal is adapted to that kind of living environment, it just looks at the landscape around and thinks that it is a good way of life, plants growing and flourishing in the ground everywhere and trees too but not a jungle there in the basic form, and so the animal wishes well for the plants and for the lufe around, that each one coukd fliyrish in one's lufe without being a burden to others, instead being a blessing to the natural lufe around. And so one can think as a landscape like view in one's picture of the world and have the complexity of instinctually understanding the lufe around along, wishing well for the world and understanding how all can live well, flourishingly together so, together in spirit, having common ideals and wise understanding, even if not always together physically. 


Monday, July 3, 2023

A clarification

 Well functioning and healthy, wise, etc is the best option created by the evolution. It does not mean competition of one against the health of others. Instead it means that all ought to be well functioning, healthy, wise, etc, that is the best option : all of them in coooeration for a healthier world, better to live in for all fairly. Only then it is ghe force of masses givkng ghe strongest solution. 

Thursday, May 19, 2022

A Gaia theory, theory of a global symbiosis

 When I was a young adult my father told me of James Lovelock's Gaia theory, a theory that says that the life on planet Earth has the capacity to regulate living conditions on our planet toward benefical for life. Later I have had a book about Gaia by Lovelock, and this blog's paradise theory is my own Gaia theory, a theory of a global symbiosis which is living beings' inner nature, and which was one of the major reasons for me to write the book(s). 

Today i found in some interviews of James Lovelock, and some of them handled also technology, to which i would like to add my blogs and the robot stories

I have written about solving environmental problems in my Finnish blogs and

My easy quick school for animals, see E11. at would maybe also swrve as a Gaia theory. And somehow I feel that the long text about the skills of Christmas gnomes in the same blog also is some view to a Gaia like life, especially to the possibility of peace skills. 

Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Paradise like life in practice ( Skills of Christmas gnomes )

 I have somehow gotten stuck to writing an endless blig text about the skills of Christmas gnomes, see . I guess that it is a wanted kind of version of paradise like life, of skills needed for it. I have now written it ovar three and a half years, 11 parts which together have some 890 entries, plus there are more advices in my other blogs on links from the Christmas gnome skills text. Of the other texts the advices about healthy ways of living and doing are propably the most essential. 

18th of January 2024   You ought to be able to download the book "Wonderful, Miracle like Beings" by Kaisa Hannele Tervola, FOR FREE AT 

There is something about Gaia on my page , especially my two quite old videos. 

Christmas gnome like life is good willing in the world and has some ages old fracturelessness and a connection with the nature, in it's basic form it is happy working lufe with good nice ways of doing and living in a town that one sincerely likes, like's it's wisdom of lufe, it's climate, skill levels, main professions, values and main attraction, likes such a place a lot, and so also the shops sell things of the type one is interested in, and the jobs, apartments, etc seem to suit fine. So even though Christmas gnomes are a separate subject, many of the advices might suit those interested in a Gaia paradise. See for example the advices about composing music at , and the advices about gaining position there. 

6th of April 2024    You might be interested in reading the back cover texts of my books of the Christmas gnome/elf skills series, by clicking the headers at

19th of June 2024   "               Skills of Christmas gnomes 1. Gnome like life in the modern world (Finland)

Skills of Christmas gnomes 2. Hero like skills
Skills of Christmas gnomes 3. Tale like fascination in everyday real life
Skills of Christmas gnomes 4. Oath like love (loving one's way of life)

Skills of Christmas gnomes 5. Gnomes from the religious point of view 
Skills of Christmas gnomes 6. Some pieces of music  
 Skills of Christmas gnomes 7. Fracturelessness 

 Thousand pages long e-book about the skills of Christmas gnomes 
Skills of Christmas gnomes 10. Additional remarks 
Skills of Christmas gnomes 11. Ages old Christmas gnome life 
Skills of Christmas gnomes 12. Better life in a better world 
 Skills of Christmas gnomes 13. Still continued 
Skills of Christmas gnomes 14. Still some additions 
Skills of Christmas gnomes 15. Some wisdom of life

Skills of Christmas gnomes 19. Additional remarks 

Skills of Christmas gnomes 20. Christmas preparations 
Skills of Christmas gnomes 21. Some ordinary life  
Skills of Christmas gnomes 22. While a Christmas gnome sleeps 
Skills of Christmas gnomes 23. Women's position like that of others 
Skills of Christmas gnomes 24. Still continued  
Skills of Christmas gnomes 25. I ran out of good subjects to write about 

26. Birdsong and other Christmas gnome like life 
Skills of Christmas gnomes 27. Still some texts 

Skills of Christmas gnomes 29. About heroes, wisdom of feelings and mourning the dead 
Skills of Christmas gnomes 32. Where to live &about Gaia 

The whole blog

The parts 1. - 31. are available as eight books and e-books at the Amazon internet bookshops, at for example. Search "tervola", or visit my author page .


Skills of Christmas gnomes 33. About different forms of magic 

3rd of April 2024   These "Skills of Christmas gnomes" books 1.-9.,  by Kaisa Hannele Tervola,are continued by 

and after them there is in the series the book 16. "Understanding the North".

These too you can to a very large extend find here at : 

10. - 12. 





And after these, the book 17. "A Sorcerer : A view of the wisdom of the nature", which you can find as a blog at .

One could continue with 18. "Singing experience of life and Healthy natural ages old ways of living", see 

One could add also the book 19. "Magnifient Views : and nice to live in", see 

And maybe 20. the Christmas calendar, see , 

and the booklet 21. The best fact language is like music. 

22. Maybe the booklet "A Sorcerer, Book 3. : Some big dove's wish" 

After that one could read (during Christmas?) the poems of 23. Eino Leino, and Kalevala. 

24. "A Sorcerer, Book 2. : Skills for Harmony" 

25. "Work and Feelings" 

20th of May 2024   "  I have written about the skills for a Christmas gnome like life, on a very general level, using words like "work" or "school", "free time", "dream job", "chores that one likes", etc. So if one understands the text, there mostly isn't anything personal or atmospheric in the text itself. It is just objective thoughts and theoretical pieces of one's picture of the world. But when one thinks of those kinds of things in one's own life and maybe in the lives of the people that one knows, those are typically strongly experienced things that vary a lot from one individual to another, and propably much more between people of different climates, cultures, towns, etc. So if there is something well working or touching feelings in what you have read in my texts, that is usually your own view and not from my experience. So it ought not come as feedback. It is meant to help you in yourlife, andmy text was just on a general level suited to writing to a global audience of people of different ages etc. "


29th of May 2024   I just lowered the prices of most of the ebooks in this series. The first one is was it 906 pages as an ebook, so it is still 3usd but most of the ebooks of the series cost 1usd (+ tax) each, so maybe one can better buy more of them. But some were only paperback, or somehow a lower price was not possible. See 

Now almost the whole series (23 ebooks) costs a little bit under 30usd plus taxt which I guess is 10%. 

13th of June 2024   The whole series, except the Christmas calendar, as paper books: 

14th of June 2024   These four books of mine ought to have unlimited simultaneous usage allowed if one buys them as ebooks at .


If you need money for living, read the book "Work and feelings" at . There is about work also in my books "Alanvaihto haaveammattiin", "Wonderful, Miracle like Beings", "Christmas elf like work" and here and there in the Christmas gnome skills series. 
About miracle healing, there is a link in the same blog. 
For easing catastrophes like floods, forest fires, etc, start reading from the beginning of the first Christmas gnome skills text at . It seems that liking Christmas gnomes as a subject in a hobby like way, is what mildens catastrophes, without needing to read so much. 

* * *

Sunday, July 12, 2020

This paradise is much like traditional Finnish culture

This paradise of my paradise theory is much like the traditional culture of Finland, of which I have written at . It is not like the paradises of very foreign countries like the paradise islands for example, even though it has Japanese Zen Buddhist influencies and is theoretically quite on the same lines as far as I know.

Sunday, June 21, 2020

Paradise theory is not a social role

My paradise theory is just a theory, not a social role. It is meant to be taken into account as some extra information like theoretical pieces of knowledge usually are.
If you want to read something about social roles in this direction anymway, my blog about learning skills of Finns and my long Christmas gnome skills text in my blog with it's many links, may offer something like roles, but on the other hand I have written those too from the point of view of learning skills while living very much an ordinary life.

20th of July 2021   The text about the skills of Christmas gnomes with it's links became long like a thousand pages long e-book, and might be a way to communicate to different climates and cultures how a paradise might be possible in one's own life, starting from today.

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Paradise is possible

The human nature has stayed unchanged while the world has technologized. So our ability to answer to the demands of working life, studies and the hard world and everyday life, is still based on the ages old human nature. Our feelings tell when things are according to our nature or not, and so what we love may be the strongest option in the tough world. In it is encoded the wisdom of past ages about what is a wise tactic in the wide world. Our cultures' highest achievements in terms of wisdom and religion reach for that direction. We feel it to be beautiful because it solves our problems and brings superb good sides that our skills have taught us to respect.



Monday, September 16, 2019

A piece of melody about responsibility

I composed this from a typical momentary impression about lasting moral, but people have not been so moral in practice, but I think that one can learn something from it anyway.

Friday, May 10, 2019

28 views which support the paradise of a healthy world

Here is my old video about my paradise theory:

Add English sustitles from the bottom of the video screen.
The sound is me explaining in in Finnish and very quiet: remember to quieten the sound after watching!


K. Gibran (a famous writer from Lebanon): " I have chosen both the joys of this world and peace in the world to come. Because I feel in my heart that the Upmost Poet wrote just one poem and its structure is perfect."

The concept of health is good for fitting together all the different viewpoints:
1) POWER (health gives strenght),
2) BENEFIT (health gives a strong and well arranged working force and consequently a high standard of living from which to benefit, healthy goals give a strong motivation),
3) FREEDOM (live and let others live is a rule to follow in order to achieve a maximum amount of freedom for everyone and a healthy society in this sense),
4) CONTROL (the health of practises makes people agree with the practises and creates no opposing forces),
5) life according to FEELINGS (healthily according to feelings is a part of the full health),
6) MORAL (moral means guarding the good health of the whole world, evil means needless breaking),
7) SCIENCE (a healthy animal is the fittest),
8) most RELIGIONs (a healthy world / a paradise and good moral are things to aim at),
9) COMPUTER logic (healthy = fully functioning = times 1, broken = non-funtioning = times 0),
10) COMMON SENSE (health is a common sense concept which all know well),
11) the UNBRINGING OF CHILDREN (those who bring up children are typically for healthy ways of living and good moral),
12) the views of the TRADITIONAL Finnish culture and propably of most other CULTURES too (it is good to cultivate good health and stupid to break needlessly),
13) a view capable of HANDLING LARGE INTERCONNECTED SYSTEMS (health is a good concept which can be generalised to all kinds of systems),
14) a SEXuality oriented view (what could be more attractive than health and happiness),
15) the points of view of aiming at MANliness or WOMANliness (healthy natural life according to emotions is what the charm and capacity of each sex is based on),
16) the view that NO MATERIAL WORLD exists (the wholes stay unchanged and the truth about healthy versus broken functioning stays valid),
17) the wish to PROTECT NATURE (health of the world means among other things the protection of nature),
18) the wish to DEVELOP TECHNOLOGY (a healthy life in a nature environment should bring the best ground for theoretical intelligence - see my pages and and
19) the need to SECURE THE FUTURE.
20) a picture of humans according to which there is NO need for anyone to do experiments on humans like those during the HOLOCAUST
21) the hopes of exhausted WORKERS NEEDING REST and variation to their lives
22) the dream of just about all SCHOOL CHILDREN of more life and less dry school like things (see my book Work Efficiency and Likings for the rationality of feelings and the role of atmospheres in thinking) (This is my weakest point.)
23) the goal of solving the FIGHT BETWEEN GOOD AND EVIL in a positive way via the concept of health - which should give you what you want or even more...
24) the SOVINIST point of view of wanting everything to be well grounded on hard values too (see my two books!)
25) the FEMINIST point of view of wanting respect for women's values: for feelings and moral (see my two books for the fitting together of these last two!)
26) hard WAR like rationality i.e. pure power play like if evil got to rule the world and there would be a fight over who is the strongest (health gives strength)
27) a view completely according to feelings and even the sense of BEAUTY
28) It is a view that could PREVENT people being CONTROLled BY the force of TECHNOLOGY etc. in a way that is in contradiction with the freedom of individuals or moral. (Health of the whole i.e. high moral is the most beneficial way to arrange things.)
29) ONE'S OWN GOOD, so that the harder one reaches for any goal or the harder one is pushed toward any direction, the more moral and positive for happiness one becomes (Health and allying with the health of the world = excellent moral, gives the strongest allegiancy.)

All these 28 viewpoints support the global paradise of a healthy world as the very best option when wacthed from that point of view.

Why happens this to be so? Is it just an unlikely coincidence? No: it is a truth which we can well trust since the EVOLUTION has shaped us so that our health and health of the society are what our nature, our feelings, instincts (= directions) and understanding (= a map, directed only because we have the goal of answering our needs which the feelings and instincts too help to answer) together, guide us toward and what gives us, the society and the world at large its best possible functioning.
A quotation from my paradise theory book

12th of October 2022   There ought to be dtill one point: 
30) MUSIC, the best healthiest most meaningful liked answers sing best, forming like a great panorama of music, songs about life.  

Saturday, October 27, 2018

Links to my other texts: healthy ways of living

I have written at lenght about my view on the healthy natural ages old ways of living, about what they are like in practise, according to my own understanding, and almost half of these advices I have somehow translated to English, a not so good translation: . But my paradise theor handlas them on the level of theory, and is much surer.

A good text of mine about the value of healthy ways of living to high skills is my text about Kalevala's Joukahainen:

Friday, August 11, 2017

Basics of my paradise theory (very dry, mechanical type of theory)

I today noticed that someone seems to have messed with my paradise theory book file in this blog, and since I do not have the original, it is just a disaster. As far as I know others were not able to think these things through so that they would have a solid ground in the technologised modern world. It matters enermously that there would be enough room for the human nature and for healthy kind of moral in societies and in the world at large, even when the computers' viewpoint of counting, basic programming, lists etc determines quite lot of what people invest in, what they think matters in the future world we are netering. So it matters a lot to have just these mechanical kinds of basic truths of the paradise theory. The rest is just build upon that, a picture of a possible future.

I just copy here from the text (diagrams lacking). This is kind of engineering point of view, requiring the view of the natural sciences, especially physics, physical sciences and ecology, with some inclination toward theoretical philosophy:

Think of the world as a large biological system

(it is the biosphere in complete health
i.e. all living beings and their nature environment: rocks, earth, sky etc. together in good health and naturality):

humans are a part of that system,
and a human society with its environment
is a huge biological subsystem of it,
 interconnected with the rest of the biosphere,

and can be understood
in that context.


A healthy system works better than a broken system.
And several harmonious forces sum up to a bigger force
than a separate one of the forces in question.

As grounds for the comparison use these divisions at least:
* co-operation versus lot of conflicts
* unified harmonic
versus scattered one that does not work together to form a well-working whole
* healthy versus broken
* on a healthy ground, steady versus unsure, unsteady
* long-lasting  versus easily scattered
* strong  versus weak structure
* according to motivation, feelings and
the intellect & the idea in things versus against them.

This is a basic truth and has a very wide area of validity. So apply it very thoroughly to everything!


There are some basic truths about the functioning of complex wholes. These include the importance of putting each part to its correct place in the system. This is connected to the value of objective thinking, honesty and justice and to the success of market economy: in each of them one gives things feedback according to what the things are like and that enables one to put each thing to its correct, best place in the system.

Having each part at its correct place in the whole means that the system isn't broken. This is the value of unifiedness, of fracturelessness in well "planned" systems.

The value of fracturelessness is connected to the value of harmony:
Imagine a system broken into pieces, starting to repair the system you put some parts to their correct places: you get small unified, harmonical islands, the better repaired the system becomes, the more harmonical its functioning, the more unified the whole. A well planned system functions without contradictions and fractures, harmonically. The next step from harmonical is unified well functioning. Such are the systems of nature.


All functioning is build upon the healthy. Healthy versus broken is the pair of opposites to use in order to understand the world. I will apply this pair of opposites again and again, all through this book. With it you can understand a lot about the functioning of biological beings and societies and about the value of moral.

What about the old pair of opposites then: healthy versus ill? Illness is a healthy function of a broken biological being, a way of it to try to cure itself. In other words, ilnesses are combinations of brokedness and of a curing reaction which seeks to make sure that the living being survives better in the long run by resting, having a fever etc.
In my opinion the word “ilness” isn’t as useful in understanding things as the new pair of oppoisites that I use.

So. A healthy individual works better than a broken one. And a healthy society works better than a broken one. But what are the healthy individuals and healthy societies like. What to aim at?

A healthy individual is by one’s nature a part of a healthy society. As a part of the healthy society one works best, is the happiest, has a most rewarding life. Healthy functioning at large gives the most rewarding life. That’s what the evolution – or God – quarantees about feelings. Safeguarding the health of the society is moral.
But if the society is broken, it is the same as if in individual is broken: the healthy parts try to cure it back to full health. Each healthy individual is a center of recovery for the whole society, even for the whole human kind as a part of the biosphere. Health in this sense means healthy ways of living. Having found the true chord about the art of living, understanding deeply about life, the healthy individual is naturally a center figure in the social environment having a healthy curing kind of effect on all. This is a moral thing to do since it is for the good of all. So a healthy individual is by one’s very nature completely moral in a healthy happy natural way!

The health of a society means that it is completely morally arranged. A society is a cooperation attempt and cooperation is something which has turned out to be useful during the evolution – or in God’s eyes. Objective thinking says that cooperation is useful because it brings the force of masses. That can be seen as a vector sum: harmonical or contradictory vectors. Those with like interests can ally for the common good.


What then is moral in this sense? Moral turns out to be a relatively simple matter. It means absolute justice, objective thinking with a holistic view, honesty and human values while carrying responsibility about the whole and about all big matters.

Human values take care that the parts of the biological systems stay in good health, so it is an important thing in evolution’s competition and in God’s plan. Like I mentioned already, our feelings are connected to keeping us healthy. So human values help to give room to our feelings.

Objective thinking, honesty and justice take care that each thing is treated acoording to what it is like which is very important to the functioning of the system. They make it possible to put each part to its best place in the system. Those with good sides from which others cab kearn, get a good position for the benefit of all. And those with bad sides, especially irresponsibility, get punished to a poor position so that their harmful qualities get discouraged. This means having very many partial hierargies: one for each subject, skill, thing to decide, piece of knowledge,… Always the ones who understand best and carry responsibility about the consequences are in a deciding role.

In doing things intentionally the main point is to get the main things right. That means that the biggest matters of the largest scale and of the long run are especially important. Likewise are all questions of life and death important. Here one must remember that 100 000 lives is much much more importat than just one life and that the number of people in the human kind is 6 000 000 000 lives which is about 10 000 000 000 lives which is another 100 000 times the 100 000 lives and so even an much much bigger question than the huge question of
100 000 lives. So the large scale things affect enermously more than the small scale things. The large scale consists of the small scale, of its added effect. Our feelings should go with the large scale!


The former explains why it is useful to be moral. So good should win over evil in a strongest one wins competition, like the evolution was. To see this clearly, let’s go through the problems step by step:

As we have already seen:

Human values bring good health and via health a stronger force than no or too little human values.
Objective thinking with a holistic view brings a better arranged group than lesser quality thinking or no objectivity at all.
Honesty makes it possible to see how things are and so it is more benefical than lies as a practise in a society.
Justice gets the society arranged for the common good and is so useful while unjustices fail to support good things and support harmful things instead. So unjustice is a much less benefical practise in a society or group than justice.
Carrying responsibility helps to get at least the main things well, so it is more benefical than irresponsibility.
good moral would win
in a strongest one wins competition.

Since all do not see this themselves, there may still be some doubt left. So I will go through the problems and classify them according to the above principles and other cost-benefit analysis factors that they break against:

The point of view of optimising of wholes
and moral as its end result:
why good moral
is the most optimised way to arrange one's forces

If there is some malicious practise here lacking, it is because I didn’t remember it, not because I wouldn’t know how to optimise it away!!!

Robbery, criminals, unjustices of every kind
* give feedback to those who cause each thing in the world  (health), so you can optimise toward better -> justice and fair play, responsible behaviour: causes and consequences taken into account (health)
* breaking (= a fractured whole) versus cultivating (health) in what creates profit -> support just cultivating: good moral!

Slavery and other kinds of forcing
* The human goals in life and the human needs are connected (health) plus answering the human needs and the working condition of the human are connected (health), so depriving a person from free moral action lessens the person's working ability noticeably (= a fractured whole).
* Too much forcing forces one to a revolution (= a fractured whole), to extreme means, so keeping the people under control is the harder the more artificial and unhuman, unfair (= a fractured whole) the arrangements of the rulers are.

Drugs, hypnosis, torture etc.
* Less individual guidance (= a broken whole) is harmful just like in the cases of slavery and control devices.
* Typically such means would be used against (= a broken whole) the reasoning of the individual (health), against the individuals' and society's needs (health) and so against work efficiency and work endurance and system's ways of functioning (health) - such doesn't make sense.
* Also if such means are used to put a wrong class of persons or things into power, against justice, that means against reasoning (Read the text Justice and optimising) and is harmful to the whole and to the parts; it also centres the lives upon wrong questions   (= a fractured whole) compared to what the efficiency, guidability and work endurance point of view demands (health).

Fakes, lies, false propaganda, ignorance, mistaken beliefs
* such cause that one's actions do not correlate (= a fractured whole) well enough with the reality, such creates non-functioning in those respects (= a broken whole).
* The natural goals in human life (health) make sense and fit together with the happiness of others too, so one should be able to live with the whole group in a good functioning order: that would give the strongest group (health).

Manipulation by the social instincts, by religion etc.
* manipulation by  the strongest instincts of humans is like manipulation by causing hunger, it causes a situation where the manipulated person is in a wrong role in the society (= a broken whole), the benefit going to different hand than those who created the benefit and so the system supports some malfunction instead of healthy life, prosperity and good of the nation (health).

Other kinds of manipulation
* manipulation means often that things are used to wrong purposes, some short-sighted technically thinking parasite like persons benefiting (= a fractured whole) instead of those who build the society, like farmers for example by producing food (health).

Technology at large, control devices
* Compare control to only a few persons of a certain kind via the technology (= a fractured whole) or what freedom of the moral ones gives: a correctable system with the thinking ability of all used thoroughly in making the arrangements of the society (health)
* The benefits of good moral would give: real support which leads to safety, guidability, cooperation, higher intelligence of the system, better endurance, more optimised toward efficiency (health)

Supercomputers, computer networks etc.
* Can be used to rationality, optimising, that's good if it is done morally, like for example this book of mine seeks to teach to do in ways, which are easy to program to computers. (Healthy works better than a broken one.)
* The value of human ways from the efficiency point of view: if you use human workers or human subordinates, human values are valuable to you (health), like this book of mine seeks to show, regardless of what kind of leadership (= a fractured whole) there is.
* Feelings of humans connect to their needs, which in turn connect, to their actions and well functioning and well-functioning is important for workers (health).
* Differences in the types of understanding of humans and computers: the natural understanding of humans about human functioning can be used too (health), and be of mutual benefit.

Artificial living conditions and malfunctions created by them
* The human nature is still the same, one created by the natural evolution: human needs and ways of functioning stay the same so best functioning is attained via healthy happy natural life
* The human being is an optimised whole: the different parts support functioning (health); if one tries new combinations (= a fractured whole), they typically don't produce a good functioning so there is nothing to gain in work efficiency by artificial living arrangements (= a fractured whole), torture etc. (= a fractured whole)

* mutations usually create non-functioning individuals who die very young
* somehow beneficial mutations or gene manipulation would bring new qualities which are not fitted well together to the whole, so they do not support the life of the organism and the organism isn't strong enough to support them (= a fractured whole), much less of being adapted to the larger environment (health)

Cool calculating behaviour
* The good side is that it is important to measure sizes correctly.
* Humans have feelings in order to help in understanding things (health), not using feelings as a way to guide one's behaviour (= a fractured whole) makes one dangerous to one's social environment (= a fractured whole), a person who even alone destroys much of the functioning of the society.
* Understand that you must always cooperate morally, especially in the largest scale (health).

* Humans are pack animals: the group supports the functioning of the individual and social life is emotionally rewarding (health)
* cooperation creates the force of masses (healthy whole), so moral is beneficial
* moral means cooperating for common good, i.e. for the good of all (health)

Commercial things
* Meeting human needs sells best (health).
* If the state has enough tax money, one can let the things, which are for, common good (health) compete just like other things compete in a market economy.

War, armies, militaristic ways
* the value of peace and harmony (health) versus the harm caused by conflicts and wars (=a fractured whole)
* Upbringing of the next generation needs peaceful circumstances (healthy whole).
* A home to defend makes the soldiers fight better (healthy whole).

Short term view at the expense (= a fractured whole) of a long term view (health):
* our thinking and our instincts demand us to take care of the future, so they do not support our actions if we do not care for the long term success. Such a deficiency in planning and motivation is also a serious short term drawback.

A partial view at the expanse (= a fractured whole) of a holistic view (health):
* the first point in thinking is to get at least the main points right. That is possible only via using a holsitic view. So one using a partial view lacks the guidance of true objectivity.

Understand that every obstacle on the road toward meeting the natural needs of humans, makes smaller the amount of labour force in use and makes its working ability smaller, causes opposition and so makes the system less stabile, less guidable and less self-repairing and less intelligent (because of less natural cooperation and less well functioning workers).

So, good
stronger than evil.


If one can be sure about anything, then also about the fact that good wins over evil.
Or at least about the fact that good is stronger than evil.
This can be deduced from the fact that healthy one functions better than a broken one.
Always when it is a question of some whole
it is best for its owner, governor or the like to keep it healthy and unbroken.

This means that
all big leaders need to support good moral.

Like allegiances are beneficial in the small scale are
they useful likewise in the large scale: value peace!

So it is beneficial for any kind of leader of a big whole to support good moral.


If you are, like the persons deciding about a country’s foreign policy, by your reputation among the most intelligent ones in some group, the others in the group will try to follow your example about what is the wisest course of action. So if you follow some guidelines in the world at large, they will follow the same guidelines in your own society. So what you follow in the world at large will result in what your own society will become like. So choose the most advantageous course of action: the most moral one, so you will benefit most.

The problem maybe isn't with the leaders, it is with what the masses imagine that would be beneficial for a leader to do: a leader understands that it is beneficial to support moral in the society. If the masses copy all wrong what the intelligent ones do, the system goes ashtray anyway, even if there is good moral and skill at the top. That's one reason why the masses have to be educated, so that they wouldn't follow persons who are not suited to be leaders at all. The leaders have the difficult task to be understandable, i.e. to look convincing and to still govern well. So it is the understanding of the masses, which is in fact in the governing position.

One should pay close attention to who, what kind of person, group or thing is in power and not let the evil ones get into power at all.


Lies and unjustice decrease the effectiveness of arrangements.
There is a Finnish saying: "What the big before, the little ones after." If the leaders of a country steal by lying or doing unjustice - either from other countries or from their own subordinates - others typically copy the amount of lies in order to trust in the most intelligent ones' understanding. So if the leaders gain X% extra by lying or doing unjustice, all the others try to do the same. That means at least X% of everything lost to lies, so the effectiveness of the system decreases X% per every dimension of the system. So the leaders gain (100+X)% * ((100-X)%)^n = ((100%)^2 - (X%)^2)((100-X)%)^(n-1)< (100%)^2 - (X%)^2 < 1. So since the dimension of the system, n, is at least one, the leaders lose instead of gaining! For example the dimension of the system n=2 if there is stealing plus laziness because of lack of motivation because of the stealing. That would cause a loss of 2X% in addition to the gain of X% by stealing, so the total effect is a loss of X% to both the leaders and to the citizens. In other words, lying or unjustice as a practise in a country decreases its standard of living noticeably; so much that honesty and justice would be a more beneficial option.
A proud nation is a self-sustaining nation! Also if it is a big nation capable of mistreating others - It will not mistreat others even if it were strong enough for that.
Remember that if you are in an important place in the market economy so that you could gain a lot by stealing a little or even more, you are one of the leaders of a country and so the above calculations apply to you too. (You are an opinion leader, an example to others, especially in your own branch where your money comes from.) So you will lose by stealing and doing unjustice, not gain.


The value of harmony as a vector sum

Several harmonious forces sum up to
a much bigger force
than a group of contradictory, unharmonical forces
or a separate one of the forces in question.

   Contradictory  versus  non-contradictory, harmonical

< > v ^     contradictory
> > > >  noncontradictory, harmonical

Harmonical solution creates more benefit and loses none to opposition
- unlike the contradictory solution attempt.

Thus, cooperation gives strength while strength is lost in conflicts.
So one who values cooperation is stronger than a like one who values conflicts.
And so "soft" harmonical means prove to be valuable.
Like this one can see how peace is more beneficial than war and count the difference. One must just add to the vector sum the huge effect of the enormous destruction caused by the enemy. Also there is a loss in war to the safety of the future, like the society agreement with other countries tells.

Applying this result thoroughly gives the efficiency-optimised result:
the most harmonical arrangement:
the natural and healthy (in harmony with the natural ways of functioning of the living beings and with excellent moral)
loose (according to the way that things are)
global (all parties in harmony and cooperation)

Ally as much as you can. That brings you success in life. Ally with the society in order to produce good living conditions, ally with the moral ones for the same common cause and with friends to defend the things, which you value. Ally with the living kind to achieve the paradise OF A COMPLETELY HEALTHY WORLD, Gaia.

Compare the value of harmony to the value of unifiedness and fracturelessness.


The island principle
A way to arrange cooperation:
either cooperation or independence.
(Use separate islands for different conflicting parties.)

People who CULTIVATE the same thing belong to the same ISLAND.
Share results of cultivation on the island according to justice, which takes into, account the basic living requirements of each. ("Live and let others live." is a good rule to follow.)
Check who belongs to your own island: those who do not follow some set of rules, do not deserve the benefits created by them.
One can create islands for the exchange of benefits.

Like this one can count what are one's responsibilities and rights toward the society: which islands one is on, what are the rules needed for cultivating those things: that's what benefits one has gained and that's what one must follow. This is called the society agreement.

By taking into account also other kinds of islands, i.e. all things that one causes (cultivates), one can see how we together make the world what it is.

One of the most important islands is that “in emergencies one is fairly helped by those who are capable of helping”. It includes an obligation to help but one gains the protection in emergencies, which is dearly needed.

Forming groups by being in a same situation or by caring for the same thing:
* all mothers
* all those who care for children (including children them selves)
* all those who support good moral, obliged when they find themselves in a situation like this, needing moral guarding behaviour working for the good of all
* all who care for the future of us all
* all living beings
The society agreement says: all those of the group agree to work for the common cause according to real justice which takes into account human values, carrying responsibility of the whole, with the help of common sense with a holistic view.
The freely organized citizen democracy in Finland in Europe is of this type.
Compassion helps us to see the similarities between our lives and so to form this kind of cooperating groups.

As a helping aid in forming this kind of groups, an objective holistic picture of the world formed by objective thinking, which doesn't take sides, and which recognizes things as phenomena with feelings connected to them, feelings that tell about the importance of such things in life and in the world generally and about what to do with such things: which things to support and which to prevent for the good of all: children, free time, catastrophes,...

Feelings of this kind are typical to the Finnish speaking Finns:
what is the role of each thing in life and in the society,
how do things form our fate - is it good to have such things in life or not?
It is typical for us Finns to use a holistic view of the world at large all the time.


“Harmonic forest islands” is the best way that I can think of to think of people living peacefully together. Each person alone is identified with an island with harmonic forest growing on it (in harmony with the goals in life of the individual but encompassing many different areas of life). Each cooperating group is identified with a harmonic forest island (the individuals in the group may have various ultimate goals but they agree about the practical arrangements to be made). One can think through the whole society agreement this way: the structure of the whole world in a way, which is constructive for happy life and good moral. This natural division of the world also teaches one healthy independence at the same time as harmonical cooperation.

This way of cooperating can be described also by marking each thing done a vector and by grouping the vectors according to their direction, so that one gets an optimised use of forces: the biggest vector sums with no conflicts which would needlessly spend any of the forces.


Remember this also at the times of war: do not break against justice even then. There is a society agreement with the enemy too, preventing the wars from getting longer and more cruel. Check how much is lost when you do not follow some rules. That much (= those islands) you have to lose yourself, even if you are a man and soldier and think that what you are doing is for the common good. Those who keep the society agreement are still entitled to their share of good, even if they are female and civilian. More than healthy curing kind of aggressivity isn't allowed.
Being for the good health of the world and of the societies is moral, so it is supporting some islands of the society agreement, not destroying them.
(The army of my homecountry Finland is strictly for defence only plus for some peace keeping operations of the United Nations.)
The society agreement like picture of the world allows one to make cost benefit analyses also at the times of war.

The costs of a war are huge, peace is a much much more beneficial option.


The human society forms a functional whole. One can benefit from its functioning if one is a part of it or in friendly terms with it. The society arranges at least water, food, shelter, help in emergencies and means to get such for oneself: work to do.
That’s why the individuals i.e. tha smallest balls in the picture, are high in the air in the biggest ball i.e. in the biggest group, i.e. have reached far toward the fullfilling of their own personal goals.
But how to get the society work well together for the good of all and why just so? The answer is good moral. This book tries to go through some calculations and estimates which support good moral. It is moral which is benefical, not evil, since good moral means working for the good health of the whole. This book is just about the straightforward skilled optimising of wholes.

It is much better though if you start with the end result: good moral, and not with the beneficality point of view, since if you get lost on the way before you end up with good moral, then the end result is a mess and will not bring you the benefits gained by the thoropugh optimising of wholes, the benefits of good moral: the unoptimised result will not bring the benefits of an optimised well working whole, i.e. the benefits of a moral society with a high standard of living.



X% honesty in a system gives (X%)^n effectiveness to the system where n is the dimension of the system and X% the amount of hitting the truth, whatever the reason for it. So systems are build on honesty.

Speak the truth when you say something. The deeper you touch the truth, the better you will be listened to. Your soul is like that of others.

Honest looks
If the looks of people are not correct, honest and sincere, people get wrong roles in the society and the functioning of the communities suffers a lot.
One should not allow the disguising of evil as good. That is against honesty and justice, against the functioning of a system and against correctability. The Swedish speaking Finns do not understand this; the Finnish speaking Finns do understand it.

NO social roles
Social roles are partly lies: they try to build on a ground that does not exist or deceive others into supporting unjustices. These are both serious faults, which should be avoided.

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

An addition to the intermediate level between Asian ordinary and Asian religion

Of Japanese philosophy and maybe of Asian traditional philosophies at large I often come to think that they appear vague because there lacks an intermediate level of understanding and skill that would tell what is moral, why to be moral, what is intelligent objective thinking like and how to learn it, how to live with good spirit in the socviety and in one's understanding and moral, how to make beautiful arrangements to work in practise and find room for feelings, atmosphere and spirit in the tough world, for deep understanding and fractureless ways of living. European world views offer such but how could Asians learn those skills? Herein my book at a link from the first post there are beneficiality grounds for moral and for finding room for feelings in the tough world. Asians often start from fine and continue with selfishness, while the right order would be to start with selfishness and end up beautifully for the world too. In my other texts there is more about thinking skills and intelligence, see , somethings about moral, see , about healthy naturaöl ages old ways of living in harmony with the world, see my blog , and about the relationship of feelings and atmospheres to objective thinking, see playlist at . Maybe also my Finnish blogs offer some extra informations, especially Haaveammattiin, Pehmeä versus kova, ja Tunteet ja tekemisentapa.

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Future computers' view on the world

The thoughts in my book "2013: Paradise like era" are on a block like objective fact language that should be easy to program to computers, so that these views could be future computers' views on the world, namely on value-free optimizing, moral and feelings. So the future computers would leave enough room for humans. As the computers develop an initial programming of a term as a sequence of letters referring to some variable or theoretical characteristics, could be across time widened by adding a more detailed descrip tiuon of the phenomena in the world. So they original programming would stay but develop in trustworthiness and inderstanding.

Friday, November 6, 2015

The fate of the human kind and the development of large systems, an objective and positive view

This text is in Finnish language!
See .

Vähän alkua tavallisen kirjoitelman muodossa:

"Ihmiskunnan tulevaisuus ja teknologisoitumisen vaikutukset
Teknologia kehittyy vikkeläänja muuttaa yhteiskuntia. Niinpä nykyihmistä askarruttaa, millaiseksi maailma on pitkällä aikavälillä muuttumassa. Tämä kirjoitus pyrkii antamaan positiivisen vastauksen tuohon kysymykseen sekä helpohkoja jaotteluita, joilla näitä kysymyksiä ajatuyksissaan jäsentää.
Maailma on muuttunut niin vikkelään, etteivät käytännöt ole ehtineet sopeutua vaan ne vielä etsivät uomiaan. Saati sitten että olisi löydetty lopullinen paras ratkaisu siihen, miten järjestää maailma käytäntöineen ja arvoineen.
Maailmassa ovat uutena piirteenä suuret systeemit, siis yhteiskunnan rakenteet sekä tehtaat jne., ja rakennettu ympäristö.
Luonnollisiisn elämän elementteihin ihmisen reaktio on luonnollinen ja oikeaanosuva. Keinotekoisiin elementteihin ihmisen reaktio on edelleen luonnollisiin virikkeisiin sovitettu ja niin tarvitaan korjaus, järki, jonka avulla suhtautua viisaasti keinotekoisiin elementteihin elinympäristössä. Järjen tehtävänä on rakentaa paikkansa pitävä maailmankuva, joka sisältää myös suuret systeemit ja rakennetun ympäristön ja jonka avulla ohjata toimintaansa ja yhteisön toimintaa viisaasti.
Systeemit, rakennettu ja luonnollinen voidaan rinnastaa toisiinsa, kun tarkastellaan niitä hyvin yleisellä tasolla. Niillä kullakin on oma toimintansa ja paikkansa maailmassa. Toiminnalla on tiettyjä perusedellytyksiä, joista huolehtiminen muodostaa tuon elementin tarpeet maailmassa. Esim. tehdas tarvitsee kunnossa olevia koneita, joilla on hyvä tehdä työtä, sekä työvoimaa, jonka kunnossa pysymisestä huolehtivat inhimilliset arvot ja vastuuntuntoisuus.
Uutta kehitettäessä on tyypillistä, ettei se vielä ole löytänyt paikkaansa maailmassa. Syntyy tuon uuden asian näkövinkkelin muodostama osittaisperspektiivi, joka ei huolehdi muista asioista ainakaan riittävän hyvin. Jotta osa sopisi kokonaisuuteen, tarvitaan kokonaiskuva, josta näkee tuon asian paikan maailmassa. Esim. teknologian kehitys, ympäristöongelmat ja ekologinen kokonaiskuva maailmasta."

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Extra support

I was bornand raised in Helsinki, the capital of Finland in northern Europe, so my paradise theory probably suppose that all know Finnish and all-European culture more than they do. You can learn Finnish culture by reading my blog .
For those who know Finnish language, more about the paradise theory at .

Monday, July 16, 2012

A change of eras

The simple technology was not able to adapt, so it forced humans and the nature to adpt to the needs of it's use. But nowaday technology has user-friendly features and environment-friendly features, more and more as the time passes and technology advances. We no longer need to abandon healthy ways of living to cope with the future technology. This is a major change in the world, a change of eras.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

A new paradise like Era

Year 2012 ends the Mayan calendar and year 2013 is the first year of a new Era. My book shows that this will be a paradise like era as the strenght of technology joins hands with healthy ways of living and the healthy biosphere via the new user-friendly and environment-friendly technology.

11.8.2017   It seems that someoe has messed with my book. It ought to be 400 pages long but to my computer I got a text like my blog texts that was much shorter. The book has some repetition but ught not have large parts repeated. It was written in a completely different style than my blogs, very objectively, kind of academical work for the layman. It was the central core of my several years' work and I cannot write it again. Maybe it has been lost and the positive future of the world maybe lost with it too.

My books

 29th of July 2024   Build yourself a paradise, a paradise like way of life, paradise theory and wisdom of life, lots of free advices, rewar...